Hotel Uville is a hotel brand that provides customers with a unique experi- ence of Montreal’s history during the 60s and 70s. I wanted a new logo that conveys luxury and sophistication to appeal to a high-end clientele who are looking for an exceptional experience.

stationery design / hotel uville / branding / brand design


To create a logo that is simple, elegant, and memorable. The logo should represent the luxurious experience that customers will have when staying at their hotel. The logo should be versatile enough to work on various medi- ums, including their website, signage, stationery, and promotional materials.

calendar / hotel uville / branding / brand design
book / hotel uville / branding / brand design


The process includes the idea of combining the letter U from Uville and 67 that refers to expo 67.

cosmetics / hotel uville / branding / brand design
stamp / hotel uville / branding / brand design


The most challenging part of this project is creating different variations of the same logo concept.

pen / hotel uville / branding / brand design
tote bag / hotel uville / branding / brand design


I found that the monograms were the most appropriate to convey luxury and nostalgia.