harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design



In 1980, Ellen Fullman performed her feminist sound sculpture named “Streetwalker”. She wore a clangorous metallic skirt which gathered attention throughout the district. Guitar strings were connecting the skirt to her shoes. Each step would create a sound that goes from one pitch to another. This performance was part of the festival New Music America, where she found a sense of community. There she met the composer Pauline Oliveros who then became her mentor. There also she found Alvin Lucier’s “Music on a Long Thin Wire” and was inspired by the idea of a single wire. Ms.Fullman experimented with her own single wire which eventually had expanded to multiple strings.

harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design


The goal for this project is to create a visually striking and emotionally res-onant poster that captures the essence of the Harbors album. The poster should generate interest in the concert venue and encourage people to attend the performance.

harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design / phone
harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design


Process starts with researching the Harbors album, the artists themselves and their music to gain a better understanding of the emotions and themes they convey.

harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design / phone
harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design


Figuring out how to visually represent a music was the most challenging part. I really had to listen to their music for a big number of hours to figure out what elements best describe the feel of the sounds.

harbors / vinyl / ellen fullman / poster design / vinyl design / graphic design


As a result, the element of water resonated with the album the most. For this project, I went out to the lake to compose my own picture that I used for the final poster. In addition, a vinyl design of the poster was created.